Homeowner Insurance
Sample Household Inventory Worksheet

Home Inventory Worksheet
If a loss occurred today, would you be able to compile a complete list of the contents of your home? NYCM Insurance has created a home inventory worksheet for you to use to inventory your home.
This section is designed to help you inventory your possessions as quickly and easily as possible. The inventory will take time to compile, but the time and frustration it may save you later will more than make up for it.
NYCM Insurance suggests that you take the following steps for an accurate inventory of your personal contents:
- Keep receipts for everything that you buy.
- Use a camera or camcorder to take pictures of all items in your home.
- Record serial numbers or identifying marks on theft-prone items.
- Keep all of these records in a safe deposit box or another location outside your home.
- Download and complete the Home Inventory Worksheet.